Linking Verbs in English Grammar

Linking verbs is the verbs of incomplete predication; it merely announces that the real predicate follows. The important word in the complement is usually an adjective (The girl is pretty), or a noun (She is a pretty girl). The -ly adverbs of manner (quickly, angrily) are not used with linking verbs.

These three verbs are always linking verbs in English:

BeHe is tall
SeemYou seem sad
BecomeHe became thin

These verbs can be used as linking verbs, but sometimes they’re normal verbs. Here are some examples of them being used as linking verbs:

ActHe acted happy, but actually he was really sad
AppearShe appeared cold, so we took her inside
FeelI feel terrible today!
GetIt’s getting warm. The spring is coming!
GoThe food went bad, because I forgot to put it in the fridge
GrowShe grew tired
LookYou look beautiful today
ProveHe thought he was right, but he was proved wrong
RemainHe remained calm. It was only a spider
SmellThe meal smelled delicious
SoundThe band sounded excellent
StayHe stayed curious all his life
TasteThe milk tasted horrible
TurnThe weather turned bad just as we were leaving
Pelajari Juga:  Kisi-Kisi PAS Matematika Kelas 9 Semester 1 2021

Note: Linking verbs are not the same as stative verbs. Some linking verbs are stative, but some are not.

  1. I’m getting old (a linking verb but not a stative verb)
  2. The soup tastes good (a linking verb and a stative verb)
  3. I know Julie (stative verb but not a linking verb).

Linking verbs do not show action. They connect the subject of the verb to more information about the subject.

Linking Verbs Example

Contoh Penerapan Linking Verbs
Contoh Penerapan Linking Verbs image via

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